What Online Learning Can Provide That Classroom Teaching Cannot

by Ms Shwu Tiinn
0 comments 6 mins read

Being forcefully placed in strange and foreign environments and situations can definitely make us crawl back into our shells, our comfort zones but “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ― George Bernard Shaw. So we should learn to adapt and change our mindset towards unchangeable circumstances. Given the current situation all over the world, online-based learning has been and will be the norm until further notice. Although children would be children, and dread going to classes or even to simply switch on their laptops, there are many perks to having online-based learning for both parents and students.

..learn to adapt..

The first perk already mentioned above, it is only a hand’s reach away from grabbing your laptop or devices and switching it on for class. Without the need to commute to and from school, our child gets extra time to rest, play and study. As for the parents, it will definitely save the hassle to drive your kids to school for a few hours of class and fetch them home after. It is more convenient for working mothers too, for there is no need to put dinner on the table on a whim before rushing to send your kids out for tuition. With online based learning, your child can attend and improve on their studies while you prepare wholesome meals at a comfortable pace.

…extra time…

Secondly, you are free to customize your learning environment. Whether you like to study in a quiet room or have some white noise playing in the background or even some activity going on around you at the dinner table. Your options are endless, you may even go over to a friend’s house and study together (not applicable currently). You are free to set up your study space to cater to your study needs, after all we know ourselves the best. Furthermore, some children will feel less pressured when studying in the comfort of their homes and online learning can cater to that need.

…customize learning enviroment…

Thirdly for parents, you get to spend more time with your children as they are at home majority of the time. Moreover, parents get to learn more about their children’s studying patterns and capabilities to better understand and support their child’s education progress. Not only can it ease parents’ schedules, online learning can greatly benefit families financially. For instance, transportation, tuition fees, textbooks and a few other items, you do not need to incur these fees which translates to lower debts and more savings.

…more time with your children…

Adding on to that, students can become more disciplined and independent throughout the whole process. Studying online requires more discipline and time-management skills thus there comes greater responsibility. Students will be spending their time on their own without physically relying on any other about homework or deadlines. In terms of time-management, they can manage their time better given that they have extra time to spare when there’s less time spent on transportation.

…time management skills…

To conclude, having online classes is not as bad as it is made out to be. There are definitely the good in the bad, the light in the dark, we will just have to look a little harder and perhaps it would make a huge change in our overall mood during this challenging time. Besides, staying home now is what makes us little heroes for the nation and the world.

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